Home Outbound NTO Japan National Tourism Organization Delhi Office holds productive meeting with Aamir Khan

Japan National Tourism Organization Delhi Office holds productive meeting with Aamir Khan

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The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) Delhi Office recently met with Aamir Khan at Le Meridien Hotel, New Delhi. The meeting facilitated an exchange of thoughts for future collaborations in the fields of Art and Cinema between India and Japan.

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Aamir Khan is one of India’s most prominent and respected actor and director, with his films often breaking box office records and receiving critical acclaim both in India and internationally.

Yusuke Yamamoto, Executive Director, JNTO Delhi Office, expressed special gratitude towards Aamir Khan for his enlightening words and remarked that his courtesy is reminiscent of the Japanese.

Japan and India have a long history of art exchange, with Japanese audiences being particularly fond of Indian cinema. Indian films such as “3 Idiots” and “Dangal” have been hugely successful in Japan. Yusuke Yamamoto also mentioned, “Aamir Khan is known for his socially conscious roles and thoughtful approach to filmmaking, so it’s no surprise that he has garnered worldwide respect.”

As globalisation continues to bring the world closer together, it is important that we continue to celebrate and learn from the rich diversity and enable smooth travel for Indians to Japan. Because the exchange of ideas and techniques between the two countries could eventually come from the increasing exchange of people between the two nations.