Home India States Kerala relaxes COVID-19 norms to boost tourism sector

Kerala relaxes COVID-19 norms to boost tourism sector

The Kerala government has come out with some relaxation in the standard operating procedures (SOP) of the COVID-19 protocol to boost the tourism sector.

Tourism activities are allowed in areas where the TPR is below 10 per cent. However, the staff working in the sector must have taken at least one dose of vaccination. The guests also must either have proof of at least one dose of COVID vaccination or an RT-PCR negative certificate taken within 72 hours.

In these areas, accommodation units in are allowed to function adhering to the standard operating procedures issued by the Department of Health, Government of India, and the operational guidelines of the Department of Tourism, Government of India.

The State has divided places into four categories based on TRP.

Category A – Average TPR below 5 per cent (Areas with low spread).

Category B – Average TPR between 5 and 10 per cent (Areas with moderate spread).

Category C – Average TPR between 10 and 15 per cent (Areas with high spread) and

Category D – Average TPR above 15 per cent (Areas with critical spread).

According to these categories, all public offices, PSUs, companies, commissions, corporations, autonomous organisations will function with 100 per cent strength in Category A and B and with up to 50 per cent strength in Category C.

In A and B category areas, hotels and restaurants are allowed to function till 9:30 pm for take-away and home delivery of food.

Gyms and indoor sports are also allowed to function in non-AC halls/spaces with adequate ventilation, restricting to a maximum of 20 persons at a time in A and B category areas.

The government has also entrusted district collectors to take necessary steps to promote door delivery of essential items, in consultation with the trade associations to reduce crowding in shops.